Guide to Making the Most out of Your School Trim Trails

What is a Trim Trail?

A trim trail is an outdoor fitness circuit, typically consisting of a series of simple obstacles or stations that challenge balance, strength, and coordination. School Trim trails should be specially designed to teach a range of motion and provide accessible, safe fun during break times.

How do I Make the Most out of my School’s Trim Trail?

Use it during your PE lessons

Incorporate the trim trail into your regular PE lessons to make them more fun and interesting for the children. This will ensure that your students look forward to your lesson as they like going on the trim trail.

Explain the benefits to your students

Before using the trim trail, take some time to explain the benefits of the equipment to your students. For instance, tell them that using the trim trail can help improve their coordination and balance. This will help them understand why they are doing the activities and make them more enthusiastic about using the trim trail.

Create a circuit

If you want to challenge your students, create a circuit on the trim trail. This way, they can go from one station to the next without having to stop and rest. This will help them get a great workout while also having fun.

Make it a competition

If you have a competitive class, use the trim trail as a way to motivate your students. Create a competition where the students have to see how many laps they can do in a certain amount of time. The student who completes the most laps in the allotted time period wins the competition.

Use it at lunchtime

Organise games and races with your friends at lunchtime to make use of the trim trail. Not only will this be great fun, but you’ll also get some exercise without even realising it!

Use it after school

If you want to use the trim trail without any distractions, then try going after school when everyone has gone home. This is a great time to really focus on your workout and challenge yourself.

Who Can Use a Trim Trail?

Most trim trails are designed for children aged 5-12, as well as adults. However, in your school, you may wish to import a rule that stops the younger children from playing on it for health and safety reasons.

How Often Should I Use the Trim Trail?

There is no answer for how often you should let your students use the trim trail. Using it too much could make the children bored, whereas not using it enough just makes it a waste of money. A good idea is to let a different year group use it one day a week at lunchtime.

As well as this, you could use it for PE lessons once a month for each year group. This allows the children to experience your new trim trail.

Get your own Bespoke School Trim Trail

The trim trail can be used for a variety of activities, from PE lessons to competitions and races. It’s a great way to get the children active and moving, as well as improve their balance and coordination. You can use it during lunchtime or after school, depending on when you have the free time. Just make sure that you organise games and races with your friends to really make the most out of it!

For more on Trim Trails, why not take a look at our blogs on School Trim Trails, and how you can add active play equipment into your playground design?

Contact School Playground Company today to discuss our trim trail service.