Playground Markings

Board Games

Outdoor Board Games

Embark on a world of vibrant Outdoor Board Games with Playground Markings that not only add fun but transform dull spaces into dynamic hubs. Children can play together and compete in friendly tournaments while giving their strategic brains a workout on the playground. Our wide range of board game playground markings is ideal for all educational levels, from nurseries to primary schools and youth clubs. These outdoor game markings create a space for free play where children can enhance their social interaction skills and analytical thinking.

Each range of playground markings offers a variety of options to suit your school’s needs. Whether it’s traditional snakes and ladders or advanced multiplication grids, our expert team is here for you.

Board games can help develop strategic and mathematical skills from a young age. Children can learn to work in teams, or play alone whilst enhancing their memory and mastering the rules and boundaries of the games.

Our thermoplastic playground board games from The School Playground Company redefine outdoor learning. The bright colours and clear lines of each game design allow children to enjoy games for longer. This is because durable materials limit wear-and-tear. Therefore, even when children run around and step on these markings while playing, they remain vibrant to play with later.